Bridging platform to make renewable energy more affordable for Indonesia.
REEF is here to give solutions for the creation of an energy efficient environment and keep the environment with a Solar Panel that can produce clean energy and inspire the public to immediately switch to Renewable Energy. With this Blockchain-based application, of course you can more easily get this Solar Panel and can help preserve the environment.

Sky Energy Indonesia (SKY ENERGY) adalah produsen profesional panel surya dengan 7 tahun pengalaman dalam produksi dan kontrol kualitas sejak 2008. Sky Energy juga merupakan penyedia layanan teknis untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (on-grid dan off-grid) , termasuk desain teknis, instalasi dan pemeliharaan, kepada pelanggan di seluruh dunia.
Sky Energy Testing Lab telah dikembangkan bersama para ahli dan insinyur yang bekerja sama dengan teknologi tinggi hitachi Jepang. Layanan teknis Sky Energy terdiri dari desain teknis, pemasangan, dan pemeliharaan pembangkit listrik. Proyek-proyek tersebut diselesaikan dan didukung oleh tim teknis Sky Energy Indonesia.
Our Partners

LedgerNow is focusing on the creation of a sustainable business. The blockchain system proved 100% efficient in building the business. As well as helping users in exchanging data, transparency safe, and fast. The system to make transparency LedgerNow users can track down and see any data exchange to boost trust with a ledger network that was distributed.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution to fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.

PIE (Personal Identification Exchange) is a blockchain-based KYC (Get to Know Your Customer) solution for money laundering (Anti Money Laundering / AML) based and terrorist financing (Terrorism Funding)

AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

BIJAK is a technology-based company to help companies implement the optimal blockchain technology and can accelerate integrated business processes that are safe and reliable.

YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real-time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs for finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.

VIE is a business management application that facilitates integrated business management based on ISO 9001: 2015 (or the latest) quality management system with blockchain technology.

TEMINDO is a company that provides business solutions and collaboration with companies with blockchain technology.